Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What would you do with your own country?


Please tell me what you would do if you had your own country. As we've discussed in class, you may do anything you like with your new freedom. Post your responses as comments to this post.


  1. If I have my country, my country should have many population. If the country have few the population, I think that the country can't be large. And then we have to grow rice and vegetable, etc.
    If my country is formed a foundation to some degree, we have to enter into agreement and trade. Then we must make develop industry.
    If we have not a natural resources like petroleum, we should cultivate men of ability. We will grow by degrees like that.

  2. I want a stock farm. For example, I want to raise sheep and horses and so one. It's my small desire. I will talk about my big desire. I want make everyone well in life. I will make a rule for my country's people. My country's people will be well educated and well fed and so on. I will make freedom and peace country. My country name is HELLEY country. Haha..^^ Maybe, I sure that great queen.

  3. if i have my country, i develop natural resources. so i will make a rich country.
    And i make a law. I make a strong army. i upgrade industry. especially, i educate to people.

  4. I`m rose.
    I will make a army.
    and grow up soldiers.
    So, I will make a strong country.
    I will become king.
    and I lead other people.
    also, My army invade other country.
    overal, I make a powerful country.

  5. If I have My country, the country name is “Tough country”.
    First, I make many armies, because when other country enter into my country.
    I must block up them for my nation. So, The army should stronger than an enemy.
    Second, I help poor people in our country. In Korea, There were many people who need to help of government. But, Public welfare of Korea is not good. So, if I can do this, I want to help them.
    Third, The important thing in the answer is what we invade Japan. Long time ago, They gave many pains for us. So, I want to revenge for them. And I want to win ourselves.

  6. First, I make a section of society and I select managers. Because I don't control all of country. And then, Managers and I make a new law for country. An important task is promote the welfare of the handicap. When I built building that I think about handicapped people are easy to using building. Health insurance and education of science policy develop country. I countribute to other country. I build up national defense. If I have country, I will citizen take care than me.

  7. If i have own my country i want to construct new laws and new buildings. and I want to conservation of nature country.
    construct new buildings like life convinience,gym,health center. but i don't want indiscretion development.
    So i just construct requirement buildings and i plant lots of trees. i want to fresh air. If i construct many buildings,air is not fresh.
    I'll make my country has new buildings to convinience for us and i want to live together with nature.

  8. If I have my iwn world.
    First I'll decide to my world's name. I'd like to Lena world. and I'll selet my work partners.
    After than I'll make Law and make my own strong army.
    I think, to be a strong country, they must have strong army and strict law.
    also I;ll associate with some developed country.
    And most of all I think the welfare is important.
    so i'll education everypeople in my country.
    and I'll be concerned cild care, old people's welfare, handicaped people.
    Last I'll give a chance to people possible to work.
    Because I think that is a real welfare and most people want to.

  9. It'r an amazing imaagine. First, I will make a new name. Secondly, I will make new laws and rules. Third, I will consider about what kinds of businesses or industries are competent for development of my country.

    I think that new name is important and makes citizens have pride at new country. If I use and old name contunualy, they might remind the war or bad memoreis. It's not good at constructing a new nation. So, I need to make new name to help all people having self-confidence about their country.

    Secondly, I will establish laws and rules. These are really necessary to control mamy people and develope a country. If we don't have them, this country will become disordered.

    Finally, I will develope my country economically, Each country has their own strong points depends on their socials, cultures and environments. By using these strong points, I will be able to change and then jump to a developed country quickly.

    In my opinion, these factors are basic to build up a country. Many other things are also essential. As a strong foundation drives a nation to be steady, I will do these things at first.

  10. If I have my own country, first I would elect many members of a committee. I will discuss country problem with them and solve the problem. Second I will strength our country’s public security. So make a country that good for living. Finally I will decrease citizen’s working time and divide two working time. Don’t over 6 hours for working.(Morning and afternoon, if you need , plus evening and night). So increase efficiency and give more leisure hours to citizen. Also Increase working people is my target.
